Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The Preschool and Kid's ministry exists to partner with parents, as together we lay the spiritual
foundation so real transformation takes place in the lives of children ages birth through 5th
grade. We would love to have you and your family visit with us.
foundation so real transformation takes place in the lives of children ages birth through 5th
grade. We would love to have you and your family visit with us.
Sunday Mornings
When you arrive each Sunday, stop by our Kidz Check-In Station. There you can enter your
child’s information, and receive a security sticker for you and your child. After worshipping
together with our praise team, children will be dismissed to our Victory Kidz Area. Our Kidz team
will have an exciting morning planned out with Bible lessons and games.
child’s information, and receive a security sticker for you and your child. After worshipping
together with our praise team, children will be dismissed to our Victory Kidz Area. Our Kidz team
will have an exciting morning planned out with Bible lessons and games.
Wednesday Nights
Our Kidz Ministry team also has something special for your children on Wednesday Nights.
Expectant Families
Are you expecting a new baby? Whether it be through birth or adoption, we would love to join
you in prayer and walk alongside you as you prepare to welcome life into this world! Simply fill out
the form below to get connected.
you in prayer and walk alongside you as you prepare to welcome life into this world! Simply fill out
the form below to get connected.