Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We become mission minded by actively being on mission as a lifestyle spreading the gospel message and making disciples individually, with a life group, and through larger scale missions as a church body. Not only do we serve others in our community and around our nation, we also minister internationally. One of our partnerships overseas is serving with missionaries in El Salvador. We go and help with building projects, sharing the gospel and encouraging others to attend their local church.

International Missionaries
Bob & Angelique Kendrick
The Kendricks live in the United States now, they still conduct ministry in El Salvador on a regular basis. They have two adult children. Their son Matthew serves on the staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. He, his wife Courtney and daughter Taylor and son Cole live in McKinney, Texas. Their daughter Amy and her husband Kyle serve with East-West Ministries working with Sengali Muslims and International students. They, along with daughter, Eva,and son Isaac live in
Carrolton, Texas.
Carrolton, Texas.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on one of our upcoming mission trips.
Mission trips transform the people who go as much as they help the people we serve. Seeing God work around the world will expand your understanding of who He is, how much He loves you, and the power of the Gospel.
Due to the pandemic and vaccine requirements for international travel we are holding off on any
mission trips for right now. Currently, we are asking for people to give financially to help support
the missionaries continue to share the gospel and do ministry that needs to take place.
mission trips for right now. Currently, we are asking for people to give financially to help support
the missionaries continue to share the gospel and do ministry that needs to take place.